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7. Ductworks
The ductworks, designed to keep up the performance of deodorization equipment, reliably tackle odor sources.

1) Optimum deodorization flow rate.
The deodorization flow rate must be accurately determined at odor sources. Too high flow rates would waste the energy.Too low ones rates, on the other hand, would leave the odor still floating. We can decide on the best flow rate based on our many past achievements.
2) Appropriate duct static pressure calculated.
If the duct static pressure is not correctly computed, the fan may be adjusted to an excessive static pressure, causing surging, or to an insufficient level, resulting in a short flow rate. In order to keep the deodorization systems at full capacity, it is necessary to first calculate the optimum duct static pressure.
3) Precise duct diameter determined.
Constant-pressure method is generally accepted to determine the duct diameter. As required, however, static regain method is employed to obtain the best diameter. The right duct diameter helps keep down the duct-related costs.